When I look at my life, I’ve had it pretty good. A roof over my head, food to eat, a job, no debts, in okay health and feel relatively safe.
There is the majority who don’t have at least one of these things, and yet others who have none. My individual wealth is more than the individual wealth of the majority of the world’s polution.

We can argue as to why people suffer for these things, but I know it’s more complicated than we make it. I know if I hadn’t already come from a middle-class home, with excellent support that I wouldn’t be where I am today. Even with minimal effort, I would have “succeeded”.
I have been very lucky; others, not so much.
So I feel guilty when I am disappointed and discontented with where I am today.
I want a better job; a better home; a better financial state.
It’s probably easy to say, “well, I have more than the majority of the world.” And with that, accept what I have. Or decide that I want to be better than where I am now.
I’m lucky that I can choose that option – the option to just be better for being better sake and not for survival.
If only others could be that lucky.