2022 in review
At the end of last year, I entered 2022 without a plan and just let things happen.
As it turned out, I still didn’t:
- Finish my M.Sc. project
- Get a new job, or
- Start a new business
So it was not much different to 2021 when I did have a plan. Maybe this year would be better… or I’ll just give up and do something different.
At least things opened back up from the pandemic lockdowns. Masks are gone, and large gatherings are back. I never thought I would miss in-person events, but I did. I started reconnecting with my networks, which still required some effort on my side.
I started to be a little more assertive and purposeful with my actions, and it seems to be working. I’m still not as productive as I want to be, but even that I’m questioning – why do I want to be so productive? And productive doing what? I need to choose better at what I want to be productive at.
After many years, I finally started my technical blog at essgeelabs.com. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, but often never felt prepared. I just did it. Now I need to keep at it.
I still feel a bit burned out but took a little time to enjoy myself. Don’t know how much of a difference that made, but I want to do more of that.
The plan for 2023
Unlike last year, I do want to have a plan.
Start back my business
I’ve held back on this too long. I’ve grown comfortable, but also afraid. It’s time to face both and do something greater.
Become more active
Whether it’s my community or saving the planet, there is too much good to be done.
The pandemic is over… mostly, and travelling is back. I was never a big traveller, but I need to expand my mind some more. So I want to do a bit of travelling this year.
Close off loose ends
Whether it’s my M.Sc. project or unread books, time to simplify my life and focus on really important things. This could be bringing things to completion or saying I’ve never going to complete it and end it. Not going to waste the space on my ever-growing to-do list.
I do think that 2023 is going to be a better year for me, if only that it helps me to set a new direction for my life.