Perhaps it’s just me, but as I get older I find myself becoming more anxious and risk-averse.
I wasn’t feeling like this a decade ago. Back then I was willing to jump into my own business. I was taking on projects I’ve never done before. And willing to take on new challenges.
But now… I’m less inclined to do so.
Perhaps it’s the lull of a stable job (and pay) and more financial responsibilities as kids get older.
But looking back at it, there’s no reason for me to be feeling like this. Nothing has fundamentally changed except my age.
The number of children I have. The bills I pay. The cars I own. They haven’t changed.
The only thing that has changed is my attitude to the challenges that I’ve faced over the past 10 years.
While my attitude back then was one of optimism and “go for it”, my attitude now is one of cautious pursuit, to put it mildly.
Need to readjust, reframe, and restart.