On my usual Sunday morning run yesterday, I came across a puppy running behind another person. Then it began to run after another who passed by. In fact, it was running behind anyone it could keep up with, even me.
At another part along the way, a dog was barking at a kitten. Some people chased the dog away and picked up the kitten. It was one of the lucky ones. There was another one close by in a box with another kitten that died.
In both cases, I just left them.
And it hurt.
I have a history of bringing these animals home. It’s hard to not feel sad for these creatures. I tell myself that I can’t save them all. Or haven’t figured out a way to do so just yet. But it’s more that I don’t have the time or the resources to do so.
It’s easy to feel angry at the person or persons who abandoned these animals. But I also ask whether I’m worthy of criticism too for seeing them and not helping in some way. It’s like the person who sees a crime in progress and just walks on.
Every action can be rationalised I suppose.
They’re afraid. They can’t afford it. They just don’t have the time.
I mean, I rationalised my decision. My cognitive dissonance came into play to hold on to the notion that I am still a good person.
I did go back a couple of hours afterwards to see if the puppy and kitten were still there, but didn’t find them. I could only hope that someone better able than I am did chose to take them home, and they would be happy.
At least that’s how I made myself feel better.