With advances in technology comes great convenience.
We don’t need to hunt our food. It’s now easily available in grocery stores.
We don’t need to wait for a certain time to watch a show. We can get that conveniently streamed.
Heck, we don’t even have to peel our bananas. We can buy them pre-peeled.
But here’s the thing about convenience… it’s killing us.
Convenience has turned from a sign of prosperity and productivity to one of wastefulness and consumption. Our throw-away culture running amok.
The amount of trash created by "single-use" plastics such as straws and bags is around 335 million metric tonnes, making up about half of the plastics produced annually.
Much of that waste is either not recycled or cannot be.
On top of that, convenience is making us consume more. Having easy access to goods and services doesn’t just cause us to spend more, it may even cause us to become fat.
All this convenience is making things worse for future generations who will have to find a way to clean up our mess.
It hurts me to see the amount of trash strewn around and birds and other wild animals having live in this.
It’s bad enough that we’re killing ourselves, it’s another thing that we’re killing the planet that had no role to play in this.
Do what you can to consume and waste less.
- Cook your food and eat-in more.
- Choose products that aren’t wasteful with their packaging.
- Buy with cash so you are more mindful of your spending.
- Just think before you buy, "do I really need this?"
- Repair items instead of throwing away. Although more devices are being made that cannot be repaired. So choose a device that can be.
- And be mindful that even digital goods can be wasteful.
It’s an inconvenient truth. Let’s work to end this.