With all the protests going on, emotions are justifiably high. I’m not going to comment on all the events, but there is one thing that amazes me about what I’m seeing – how different people hold firmly to opposing views.
Two people watching the same video would have two different opinions based on their individual biases. It’s much like the blind men and an elephant.
That’s why sometimes I wonder if there is really a truth that exists. Or are will all just interpreting our current truth bases on our limited experiences.
Who is to say that what we believe to be currently true, and right, will be true or right in the future? It’s the society that decides what is right or acceptable, and cultures and opinions change over time.
How many people have been “cancelled” because they’ve stated opinions that was acceptable years ago, but somehow taboo or not politically correct now?
I often say exactly what’s on my mind since I really don’t give a fuck what other’s think. Will those things come back to haunt me someday?
And I may have had an opinion in the past that I don’t share anymore. For example, I once believed in the death penalty; now, I’m more for leniency. And who knows where my thoughts would be in the future?
Almost everyone thinks of themselves as good people and on the right side, although we all have different opinions. So who’s right?
The thing is that everyone holds dearly to their beliefs because it identifies them. It’s not that they are close-minded, but it’s how our brains are wired. Congnitive dissonance is a heck of a thing. Trying to argue with them is an exercise in futility, and I often don’t have the energy. Then again, who says that I right at all.
For now, we all are trying to build societies with one belief – one right. But in a democracy, this is going to be unlikely. So then, who gets to choose what is right?